Purplestormstories, Random short stories, and story excerpts
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Medneo Mets Awakening of evil Part 20.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Emily and Mets connection grows - Excerpt - Medneo Mets awakening of evil
“Emily, you…, why, did you have to make me feel so.., I have always been a soft person”. Said Mets. [Then a tear slid down his face.] “Emily you’re a very nice to me!, I think you’re the nicest girl that I ever met!, it’s a bit weird to me, why are you the way you are with me?”. Said Mets. “Mets!, Mets!, I already told you it’s because you are like us, having these powers makes us like we are no longer human, I want to be your friend, I haven’t been running for that long and I already met you, you are not like anyone that I ever met before, I’m glad that we met each other, so please don’t leave me always be by my side, and I will always be by your side!”. Said Emily. “You know earlier when you said you would never let anything happened to me, I was surprised, you made me feel so happy because now I feel the same way about you!, I told myself that I would never let anything happen to you or Susan, because right now you two are my only friends!”. Said Mets. [Emily smiled then she put her hand out to Mets.] “So then I guess it’s a deal, we will protect each other, right?”. Said Emily. “Yeah!, that’s right”. Said Emily. [Then he shook Emily’s hand.] “Emily you have powers don’t you?, can I see your other form?”. Said Mets. “Uh.., yeah sure!”. Said Emily. [Then she activated her Yegeyin powers.] “This is my powered form”. Said Emily.“Wow are those really her Geist Powers?!”. Mets thought to himself. [Emily’s hair changed from brown to light green and her eyes pink and she wearing purple glowing arm guards, a silver chest plate and a black and silver long skirt.] “So that’s her powered form, she is so beautiful!, is she really evil?, her powers seem so peaceful and her form is so beautiful, there isn’t anything evil about her!”. Mets thought to himself. “So how do you like my transformation?”. Said Emily. “It’s nice you look awesome!”. Said Mets. “Thanks!, well that’s my powered form”. Said Emily. [Then she powered down.] “Aww man!, I wish she stayed in her other form, she was so cute!”. Mets thought to himself. “It may be risky for me to stay down here with you, so I better go, see you tomorrow!”. Said Emily. “Wait I think I may be able to completely control my powers tomorrow, so if I am able to do it, can you teach me some abilities?”. Said Mets. “No, that would not be possible because you have to develop and learn abilities on your own, the only way that I may be able to help, would be if you had the same type of powers that I do”. Said Emily. “Okay then see you tomorrow”. Said Mets. [Emily waived then she teleported to Susan’s House.] “Well that’s a surprise, It’s late where have you been Emily?”. Said Susan. “It’s none of your business just let me go to bed!”. Said Emily. “You know this is my house, I could kick you out if I wanted to!!”. Said Susan. “I already know that you want to know something from me, I will tell you everything in the morning”. Said Emily. “Okay goodnight!”. Said Susan. ‘Goodnight”. Said Emily. [Then she went to her bedroom,] “Phew!, Susan is a very Cautious person, she probably has already found out what really happened, so I guess it wouldn’t do no harm if I told her”. Emily thought to herself. [After that she went to bed, in her sleep she had a dream that she was fighting Reexo.] “Your powers are a part of the Yegayu!, so tell me!!, why the hell are you helping someone like Mets!, he is nothing but pure evil, and having the powers of darkness!, that makes thinga even worse!”. Said Reexo.
Excerpt - The Vengeful hearts and souls
Oh!! Yeah! I did forget thanks for the reminder so when do you want to go?. Said Buraidah. we will have to go in the morning or late at night. Said Maimuna. why? you know I hate doing things in the morning and the night is a bad time because I go to sleep early. Said Buraidah. I am sorry but things have to be like this because he is from a very strict family, so the best time will have to be when his parents are not around. Said Maimuna. Ehhg okay as long as I get to meet his sister again. Said Buraidah. What!!?? do you like here she seems to be a very scary and violent person. Said Maimuna. hmm? I have no idea what you are talking about, when I met her she was very calm and nice. Said Buraidah. well then she must really like you. Said Maimuna. I hope so because I am feeling like I am in love with her. Said Buraidah. So how old is she anyway?. Said Maimuna. Fourteen. Said Buraidah. Love huh?, just remember love will put you in pain if you choose the wrong person, that's why I am still single. Said Maimuna. Do you think I care about?, I just want a wife so I can be happy, you and I both know it, People who are single are unhappy and Miserable, I know I am and your a bit sad too, I can tell by looking at you, you can't hide it. Said Buraidah. you don't get my point, I was trying to tell you that you shouldn't get into a bad relationship, I didn't say you can't have love that would be an INSANE EVIL!! Statement, I think everyone deserves some love even the wicked and the evil. Said Maimuna.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The night I left Gibraltar.
June 25 2014
Page 1.
I started off on
my trip to return to America on Wednesday night after 3:00 Am in the
morning, I didn’t have much money but at that time I cared little about things
like that, all money was to me was a crappy little piece of paper used
to make life a bit easier, when I left Gibraltar at 3:00 Am in the
morning I arrived in La Linea Spain about 30 Minutes later. After
4:00 AM I went to the National police station in La Linea and told
them I was stuck in Spain And Europe and I was trying to get back to
the U.S.A, then I gave them my passport, and after a few minutes and
words, they told me to come back at 10:00 Am in the morning because
it was too late at night, so I went back to the park and slept there
until 7:00 AM in the morning, an hour and some minutes later I went
back to the National Police station, when I got there they told me to
wait in the waiting room so I waited, and after some time they called
me into a room and got 2 of my fingerprints, then after they were
done with the fingerprints they told me to wait again, and kept
asking me for my passport over and over again, so I got tired of
their crap and left. And when I looked at the time on phone I was
really pissed off, I got there at 8:30 AM and when I left my Phone said
it was after 12:00 PM!!, Those Dummies kept me waiting there for
more than 3 Hours!!!, wasting my time!. So I decided to walk from La
Linea To Algeciras, not too bad it only takes 4 hours and 30 minutes,
So I started my walk and once I was half way there I became very
tired and sleepy and took a nap on the side of the highway on some
hay, it felt so pleasant and great!!, after I woke up I was in a much
better mood!, but I was a bit thirsty so I stopped at a LIDL
supermarket and bought a drink then after I gobbled it down I
continued my Journey to Algeciras, but even after the drink and the
nap I was still tired after walking for 2 hours, so I took another
break at a gas station, then a few seconds later I heard someone honk
their horn In a car, I didn’t see anyone then I turned around and
looked on the side of me and saw a Moroccan man in his car, so of
course I walked over and he said something in Spanish, of course I
didn’t understand what he said because I don’t speak Spanish, so
I just said Algeciras, then he shook his head and I got into the car,
I was trying to tell him I wanted to go to Cadiz From Algeciras but I
didn’t think he understood so I said: “Do you speak English?” he
said no.
This is from a book about my life that I started writing in July 2014, but never finished it, I only wrote 2 pages, in text, a little more was written on paper, but I lost the book, I usually don't write much about myself, but every now and then think about writing a book about myself.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Pizza Night Medneo Mets Awakening of evil (Excerpt)
“You don’t ever have to worry about that, because you are special to me!, I would never hurt you!”. Said Mets. (Emily smiled and said: “Let’s be friends!”.) (Mets stated laughing.) “Hey, what’s so funny?”. Emily. “I thought we were already friends, I really like you”. Said Mets. (Emily’s heard started beating fast.) “Oh!, you like me?, I didn’t know that, we should get some sleep though”. Said Emily. “Oh! Yeah!, that’s right I have to train with Susan tomorrow”. Said Mets. [Then he left Emily’s room, on his way leaving he saw Susan.] “Hey Mets, you ready to eat dinner?”. Said Susan. “Yes!”. Said Mets. “Okay then let’s have some Pizza I am starving”. Said Susan. [Then she went to Emily’s room and banged on the door.] “Hey Emily!, let’s go get some pizza!”. Said Susan. “Okay I will be out in a sec!”. Said Emily. “We will be waiting outside”. Said Susan. [Then she went outside with Mets.] “I have been wanting to ask you something”. Said Mets. “What is it?”. Said Susan. “What types of powers do you have?”. Said Mets. “I thought you knew, Geist-Evil’. Said Susan. “No, I mean something different, I know that me and you have powers that came from Geist-evil phantoms, but don’t Phantoms give powers that are different depending on the Phantom?”. Said Mets. “Hmm.. Okay, now I know what you are talking about, Your Phantom gave you the powers of Vengeance and mine gave me Evil Powers, so I have the powers of evil”. Said Susan. [Emily came outside a second later.] “Alright where to?”. Said Susan. “What I thought you were making the choice”. Said Emily. “Yeah I was, but I can’t decide, you choose”. Said Susan. “Okay how about Pizza Rollies?”. Said Emily. “Alright!”. Said Susan. [Then she took Mets’ ear and Emily’s arms and teleported.] “What the heck!?, why did you pull my ear?”. Said Mets. “Because if you want to teleport with someone, you have to touch a part of their body unless you specialize in Teleportation powers”. Said Susan. “Ohh., I see.”. Said Mets. “No more talking until we start eating!”. Said Susan.
The Days after Emily's death - Medneo Mets awakening of evil excerpt
Mets appeared by Susan, she was at a deserted place that was surrounded by lakes. “Susan…”. Said Mets. “I already know…, this one was a life for a life…”. Said Susan. The she turned around and threw Samantha’s head in front of Mets. “So you killed her..”. Said Mets. “I don’t play with my enemies, that’s why that bastard is afraid of me”. Said Susan. “This was just a messed up day…, everything went wrong, we had no intention of fighting.., and now one of us is dead…, why..why..!!??, why! Do I have to lose what little that I have!!, am I such a bad person!”. Mets thought. “Bring her to me”. Said Susan. Mets carried Emily over to Susan and lied her down in front of Susan, Susan place her fingers on Emily’s neck and touch the bottom of her palm to check for a pulse, (To see if Emily was still alive.), there was no pulse, and no breathing and no sign of life left in Emily (She was dead), Susan sighed and looked down, there was a silence for a few minutes, then suddenly Susan got up and kicked Mets in the stomach, she kicked him so hard that he fell into one of lakes. “My dear sister….”. Susan said to herself, then she touched Emily’s shoulder and teleported to her home, Mets felt very bad, he just lied there in the water for more than an hour. “Why do I even exist…, if I have to live in misery.. if I kill I’ll just go to hell anyway, so what’s it all for?.., at least if I was a good person I would have something to look forward to, maybe I would go paradise and have whatever I want after I die…., but if I have to kill.., I’ll probably just go to hell!..., I know one thing.. I WILL KILL REEXO!”. Mets thought. Then he jumped out of the water and powered down. The sun started setting, it was almost night time, and he had been lying there since the afternoon. “It’s getting late, I am a bit sleepy.., I will go to Susan’s house.. Tsk!, no how can I face her after what happened today.., I guess I will go to the park”. Said Mets. Then he jumped and hopped to the park. Mets calmly sat down on a bench and started thinking. “Damn I’m getting.. hungry.. from now and on I will probably use Susan’s method to get what I need”. Mets thought, then a second later he realized that he had use some of his powers to get to the park while he was In his normal form. “What the heck?, how did I do that?, ahh who cares, nothing matters anymore!”. Mets thought. Then he lied down, and thought about Emily and started crying, a minute later someone came in the park. “Woah is he okay?”. A voice said. Then someone touched his shoulder, “Hey man are you okay?, what happened?”. “Well this is strange, there not running like usual,… oh wait that’s right they may not know who I am most people have not seen me while I am normal”. Mets thought. “Hey do you need an ambulance?”. Said the person. A second later Susan appeared. “No he doesn’t leave him alone!”.Said Susan. Susan walked over to Mets and the grabbed him and pushed him on the ground. “Get up you big dummy!, it’s been hours!, stop crying and get over it, I’m her sister! How do you think I feel?”. Said Susan. “Do whatever you want with me, nothing matters anymore I give up!”. Said Mets. Then Susan remembered kicking him in the lake earlier in the day. “Oh that…Is he referring to that?”. She thought. “Sorry about that, I’m not mad at you Mets.., now please take us home..”. Said Susan. “Emily…, where is she?”. Said Mets. “Her house, she is ready to be buried”. Said Susan. Mets sighed then he said: “Very well”. Then he held Susan and teleported to Emily’s house. Mets and Susan stood in front of Emily’s dead body. “Where are we burying her?”. Said Mets. “I’m not you are”. Said Mets. “What?”. Said Mets. (with a surprised look.)
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
story Excerpt
Thursday, June 4, 2020
A fantasy love story ~~~ does love like this exist?~~~
Husband: "Welcome home love" Wife: "Hey honey" wife attempts to take off shoes. Husband: "No no, sweety I got it", husband smoothly and gently takes off wife's shoes and removes her jacket. Wife: "Thanks you dear, but you don't have to you work hard too" as she lays down on the couch. Husband: "Hehe.. no no its my policy, but I'll stop on your command if it is bothering you, by the way how was your day?, you look tired" soon after he starts massaging her neck and shoulders.
Wife: "We had a lot to do, extra filing and lots of email, and we were short a worker so I had to do heavy lifting too". Husband: "I see sorry to hear, see you deserve a good massage, I have dinner and a bath ready for you too". Wife: "Hmmm thanks, your always so sweet hehehe don't spoil me too much, you don't have to do this every Wednesday". the wife seems like she was bored or tired, or stressed in some way. Husband: "It's fine I want to do this, thanks for being my wife I love you". In his heart he wondered if something else may have been going on with his wife at work.
Wife: "I love you too, you really are like a shining moon". for the rest of that night they had fun together eating drinking laughing doing the nature of humans and other species..hehehe
BUT the next morning her husband couldn't keep calm about how he felt, it was another day off for him so he had time to do what HE THOUGHT was needed... uhh no seriously it wasn't needed. Husband: "I have to find out, I love her so much.., somethings are better left unknown, but my heart won't stop pounding and throbbing I must know!" soon later.. after that he thought of plan and found a way to her job smh... (shakes my head) this guy....lol
he got his telescope and was able to spy from a distance, he just wanted to make sure sooo.. much that his wife was not cheating..
after hours finally he saw her, and actually got close to her, it again was one of her late days off, which was the reason that made him suspicious of her cheating.
as she was leaving work her boss approached her "Great work again I'm really thinking of promoting you, can you stay longer?". her boss said. Wife: "No I can't I'm sorry I have business to do after work" (Her husband) "OK then have a good day" said her boss
as she was leaving different employees and coworkers bothered her about dumb things like date proposals and other stuff.
Wife: "I have a great husband, its not happening" and ignore all of them
one was very persistent and kept asking and even offered things (He was a manager)
her Husband was watching from a distance and saw everything, he started to shake and sob from guilt of suspecting his wife a cheater, but was almost infuriated by the men bothering his wife. 2 minutes later he showed out of nowhere up and tackled the guy to ground punched him several times.
Wife: "AHHGHGHGH!!, what in the world are you doing here?, you can't do that you could go to jail! and my boss is right there" Husband: I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't know why you were coming home so late so I followed you, and when I saw that man harassing you like that I lost it, I just went into a burst of anger. Wife: "sniff you silly fool.., you thought I was cheating.., how could you.. what if I did that to you?" she cried. Husband: "I'm sorry I just love you so much, I couldn't take the thought of that ever happening, I'm so sorry sniff he sobbed
Her Boss: YOU!, is this your husband!?!?, that charming great man your always talking about?!" Wife: "Yes I'm so sorry I'll take fully responsibility!" Her Boss: "Your darn right you will and you will pay with your job!, your fired don't ever come back here again!, now you both won't have be worried about anyone bothering you!". Wife: sniff Sniff "I understand Let's just go home honey.." Husband: "No! wait she didn't do anything it was all my fault!, just send me to jail then, her job is very important to her!". Wife: "Sweetheart!! are you out of your mind!!, I don't want you to go jail, I will never let that happen to you!, let's just go I'll think something later!".
Husband: "But You-!" he was about to finish his sentence but his wife punched him in the stomach. Her boss: "Both of you just go!, I don't want to see either of your faces ever around here again!". (Her boss really liked her but was jealous of her because she had a nice husband, and the co-worker that her husband beat up happened to be a guy at work that her boss liked, that is the real reason why she was hostile and angry).
Husband: "Ouch, fine"
after that they both walked to her car when they were almost home she stopped for some drinks. Husband: "Hey let's go back walking from here, were only a 15 minute walk away, I want to do something special for you, its the least I can do". Wife: Sigh "You really are unbelievable fine I'll let you, as you can see I'm not that mad and I actually feel a bit guilty myself". Husband: "Huh!?!? what why?, but I made a big problem" (Very surprised) Wife: "No you didn't, actually he can talk about it on the way back, you said you wanted to walk right?"
Husband: "Yes but only me, you will be on my back" he giggled
Wife: "You don't ever stop do you?, that's why I'll never leave you or cheat on you, it wouldn't be worth it" she smiled blushed and hugged him and then got on his back Husband: "I'd never cheat on your or leave you either, and that's because you are so cool, calm and put up with me and were a great team you always there for me". Wife: "Sure that's what makes us special, now I'll explain things" she said as she locked her car door and wrapped her arms tightly around him Wife: "I hated that job, I was looking for another one for more than a month now, men kept harassing me almost everyday and my boss always asked me so many questions about you, I could smell her jealously from a mile away, plus she was bad with men, she dated plenty of those guys at work and fired whoever she wanted when she was done with them, so that's why I'm not really, I feel guilty for not telling you that earlier, but hey in the end you saved me, thanks baby I love you". she said as she kissed him on the neck. Husband: "Ahhh.. my sweetheart so that's what happened.. ohh no" Wife: "Ohh and before you tried to make it up to me by doing what usually do the answer is no!, because we are doing it together!" Husband: "OK... fine.." Wife: "Hehehe" (She giggled)
shortly after that they arrived home they walked into the living room slowly thinking. Wife: "I'm sorry honey, for not telling you anything". Husband: "That's! no!, you didn't do anything wrong!" Wife: "Shut up" she smiled and the kissed him on the cheek.
after that they had their special happy night and did interesting things.
hehehe Shame on me for writing this sick story.. hehehe
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Radnelac Aibara Village
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Blood Thirst Diamond Blade
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Burn the way to dust
2. Paralink through the right portal less you be in the dungeon of sorrow!.
3. why must you take my potato cakes!
4. if you sever our bond again, it will be the last thing you ever sever!.
5. It's good! I'm giving you an embroidery of love!.
6. The tainted shall avail the wicked!.
7. Ohh...! you thought you were mocking at me,. no no you were mocking at yourself!.
8. Does it please that much to feel high?.
9. Before the day is over you have accomplished nothing..., LIKE USUAL!
10. Swerving into the pool a darkness, a shadow emerges with light!.
11. After dwelling through the darkness, bouncing through countless timelines of sorrow, and riding with the sparrows grief, you found the comfort of the double heart.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Ogre VS The Unajanta Warriors
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Brukidax and Gijuoka
"You evil! filthy piece of crap!, why! why!?! are you doing this to me!?". said Brukidax "Huh!? Wut you mean!?, I all I desire is more power for my transformation!, I have done nothing wrong!" said the Narcissist Gijouka, after that he smacked Brukidax to the ground and bit his ear. "GHWaaaaa!, let go you devil!!" Brukidax screamed. Bruikdax found away to struggle away from Gijouka and kicked him in the stomach and a belt and started whipping him on the head, after minutes the belt changed and transformed into a red and black whip, "Huh?, what's this?" said Brukidax "So that's it this is your power!, I shall have it!" said Gijouka. after that he stuck his hand down his throat as if he was vomiting and transformed into a hideous blue and purple creature. "Ugghg you...! you really are a sick piece of sh!!#!#$ with this new power I'll make sure to it, that I don't ever see you again!" said Brukidax. *Burp* Gijouka burped then slapped his stomach. "Ehahaha now that's it skinny boy You'll make a nice treat!" said Gijouka, then he screamed and dashed towards Brukidax, Brukidax Grabbed the buckle of the belt, and then it transformed even more, the metal buckle changed into a hilt as if were a sword and the rest of rubber of the belt changed to tight Steel and adamant. "Hell well this should be easy...!" said Brukidax a second later he literally sliced Gijouka to bits.
_L:>:>"}---- A dashing wind of a red blood be with a furious roommate. _---
Medneo Mets Awakening of evil Part 20.
“Let’s see…, Relax.., now, think of everything that has happened to me, the cops made me angry, before I met Greigoh I was sad and had nothi...
In the vengeful hearts and souls, the main character wuttwuttwusswuzz (Rukaigu) is ultimately defeated by his older sister Sooqora, I...
Husband: "Welcome home love" Wife: "Hey honey" wife attempts to take off shoes. Husband: "No no, sweety I got...
Another piece taken from the story Medneo Mets awakening of evil “I need to become a lot more powerful, right now I probably couldn’t ev...