Saturday, December 1, 2018

why does it matter? or does it. .

 I don't know two guys fighting on the street,  oops I forgot
Neganegexen Random stories!!!!!. but really when nothing make's sense, what are you going to do?, like seriously, can you pick those for m-. arrrraggg!!! this just doesn't work anymore!, its mine and mine only alone!,  and if you think you can use your Kage to cause problems you can't!, the competition is so strong that you always have to be brilliant no matter what!, people lie.. they cheat, they steal and they most definitely kill!.
 and just like that time the black guy yelled at byakuya it was totally crazy I mean him getting emotional was the best part of the episode, time is always limited so mine is about done,  you all have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

why purple Storm's??

purple is one my favorite colors, on one of those faithful days when there was one of those beautiful storms, as thus thunder and lightning casted down on the soft earth, it was such a beautiful sight, and lightning is multi colored right?, so why not purple lightning, and yeah well that's why I conclude with purplestormstories and it sounds cool!!

Saturday, November 3, 2018


why does everyone always have to do it!, ugh I hate it!, boldness boasting negative energy, these things I don't understand and when is my cake supposed to be ready?!?!, seriousness is an element needed to or that can be used to do some things desired in life, for how can one do anything without being serious about it, even though it's possible, you have to be serious about taking the exams, or else you will fail, you have to be serious about making the special fruit smoothies if you want them to be good after a few tries, you have to be serious about relationships if you want a good relationship,

and if you want that special Xbox one and ps4, you have to be serious and save up the money, so be serious about thing's that you want in life and work hard for them!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Shal I kill you know?

To ryme is not a crime, if you think that's wrong you should give me a dyme!, that's the end of my song and it wasn't wrong.

1. You broke my leg the other day!!, shall I kill you now.
2. Yesterday you fired me and spat in my face I left the bathroom without a trace!, shall I kill you now?.

3. You stunk so bad you suffocated my little brother, shall I kill you now?.

Onion power

Long ago an onion that was thrown away in the most disgusting filthy dumpster was enhanced with power by the most filthiest of the people,  by 2028 it was the sickest of all foods ever developed from filth, Natitia, was first and foremost of the strongest,  to eat this fruit,  while she was on a journey to Shebesktsnhott (a made up place) she was weighed down by heavy equipment and her other belongings, she only went to the bathroom and washed but none the less some dumb fat pig stole her stuff,  when she returned and saw that just about everything she had was gone she stormed off in anger. "How could someone do this! ! All of my stuff I'll make sure to it that they pay! !". Natitia shouted.  For the rest of the day she walked around the unknown city. It was long before hurt touched her stomach, 
and soon after she was struggling with a terribly hungry stomach,  she was a dumpster a few steps down and kicked it open. A load of trash fell out of the dumpster along with a glowing rotten onion. "Gross..., what in the world is that?" She thought.  Ughhh I don't want it" so she left and looked further for more food.  Her lasted a few hours until she found a dumpster full of opened candy and milk.  "Whooo! ! I hit the jackpot!, dinner is here!" Natitia said to herself happily, but she couldn't stop thinking about the onion that she saw earlier.  "What in the heck was that thing? ".. she thought. The thought was running around her head all night till she got up and decided to return to it. (The onion). To her surprised it was still there untouched,  "Heh it looks like no else wanted you either" said Natitia as she picked up the disgusting vegetable. Strangely the vegetable started to glow even more after she grabbed it. She put it close to her mouth then she heard a strange voice that was very low say: "Take me!" With an evil laugh.  .. "Weird. .. but not as weird as my life!!!". Said Natitia.  Then she bit a piece of the onion.  To her surprise it was very delicious. . And it actually started to taste better and better as she chewed it. "Ohh! Oh my... what is this?!?, ohhh its so good!. Said Natitia as she munched on the onion until there was nothing left. A few minutes later she burped and a wind and shock wave came from her mouth that flipped over 3 cars and a dumpster.  "Whoa! What tthe fudge bars!, holy banana toast, its power enhanced vegetable? !?!!" Natitia said to herself.  A second later she passed and fell asleep for 10 hours.  And thus from there on she used her new powers however she wished. That is the evolution of the evil filthy onion death mega vegetable.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

the trials of hot sauce

Oh! why do you have to be so hot?!!!, torturing the tongues of those with weak mouth's, and so it was done, Guy Jibocolo, decided to make the ultimate recipe for killing peoples tongues with hot,it went like 5 hot peppers 1 chili pepper and 10 Jalapeño peppers 1 ghost pepper, but the evil chef had a plant to easily execute his mission of burning people's tongues out, he used a simple easy trick somehow he was able to minimize the spicy taste of the spicy chicken rolls that he would sell, he covered up all of the peppers in side the shell of the rolls with strong special secret ingredients that would mask the strong taste, and once the customer ate it they would take the first bite and then suddenly their mouth would burst into flames as their saliva (spit) would melt away the barrier.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Susan Syysya (fictional character)

Susan Syysya,
Age: Unknown
Height 5" 8
Abilities: Fire, Illusion, various attacks and Scythe from Geist evil phantom yugreigna,
Hair: Brown

Susan was always a hot head, she got angry about the simplest things but was always strong physically and emotionally, well... Somewhat emotionally, at the age 19 she was given the powers of evil by a geist evil phantom named Yugreigna, she used to be just and upright and a very strong person, until she was on a boat and it crashed into an island, on she fell and sunk into the ocean while she almost drowned and was half dead, the evil phantom Yugreigna appeared before her and gave her evil powers powers, but unlike her, her older sister Emily had already gained powers from Yegeyin phantom, a good phantom that only commands good, she had two older sisters and 1 younger brother, her older sisters were twins Emily and Alektra, Susans terrible story started when civil war broke out between the yegge warrior's and the geist Rangers, her and her family were targeted and were to be disposed of all, it was assumed that all of them were geist rangers, and they were greatly out numbered as the government decided to side with the yegge warrior's who were fighting against the geist rangers, during the war the 3 sisters lost their younger brother, Alektra disappeared during a huge shoot out and was thought to be dead, sadly Emily and Susan lost to the yegge warrior's and were miserably defeated and thereafter tortured for information on whereabouts for over geist rangers, Susan kept lips sealed and didn't give not even an ounce of information, Emily gave tiny bits, but after huge surge of anger and hatred builded up in Susan, she achieved ultimate power as her geist powers increased tenfold!, and she killed every last one of them and after that she started living the regular life of those given powers from a geist evil phantom, 3 years later she met Mets.

super security

What is it with this feeling?, has all the security been broken through!?

Modesomo power

Deep down within surely there must be a purpose, for what reason do you go?, is it better that you stay?, this is such a weird blog... Stories heh... Isn't that my job?, is that supposed to be my job! No! It is my job.. Sorry about that it's just so random out here..

Is it because this meaningless soul seems out a purpose in life?.

Kabs and ovajabb are two friends that cannot set aside their differences, so in the end they end up killing each other...

Well no not each because Ovajbb killed Kabbs with his nasty insect ability, usually in all of my stories everyone had some kind of super power, because I like writing science fiction and unrealistic bullsh$#@$"!, lol, I don't Post on this blog regularly, sorry for that...
I'm such a lazy piece of sh%$@$%!
Still though I can only actually think of this blog as a diary, I need something to get me pumped up so I can be Kokanno more of the time and make more Neganegexen Random short stories,until then I guess I'll be posting crazy random dumb stuff.

Good night and good morning to all.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Bill Jipps Chips

Bill Jipp loved chips.., he always went to the store everyday and bought a bag of chips, one day while he was buying a bag of chips, the cashier was giving his money and she accidently dropped the change and it fell on the floor as he was putting his hand out to pick it up he fell on some powder rock color candy balls and fell into the chip bag, to his surprise he was teleported to a black room, with completely nothing. "Uh hello?,anyone!" Bill Jipp shouted. there was no answer. "What in the world, where am I?" Bill jipp thought.

To be Continued.

Medneo Mets Awakening of evil Part 20.

“Let’s see…, Relax.., now, think of everything that has happened to me, the cops made me angry, before I met Greigoh I was sad and had nothi...