Sunday, December 29, 2019
Hihara Unajanta is from the Unajanta clan she... Tsk.. sh'_#@! Let me get my notebook...
Nevermind I forgot about that... So I'll make up as I go along..
Hihara Unajanta:
Height 5'5..
Hair: Red
Clan: Unajanta
Village name: High Point of Xensoen
Abilities: blood morph,.. and more to come... Haven't thought of that much..
Hihara.. is 19 years old and is ranked 37th strongest of the Unajanta clan, she looks up to her big sister, Misano who is the leader and strongest member of the Unajanta clan,.. she loves Sweet's particularly marshmallows as they make her blood ability stronger.. somehow.. I dunno this dumb story doesn't make sense anyway, Hihara uses a whip and her special ability morphing her blood into just about anything that she desires, (she can use her blood and turn it into any type of weapon ect, nobody knows how she unlocked this ability, even though the Unajanta clan is very well known for special abilities..,.
BUT we could say she may have some bloodline from the zebbakuruf clan.. *ahem!* Spoiler alert..
Just kidding ahahahha!..
Return back to power!!, Lol jk.. more about it may come later.. never could get this story.. right so many clan members and stuff like that...
Well until the next time!.
Monday, September 30, 2019
New!!! Short story! -.- super short...
Naganegexen Random short stories!!..
Ok this is going to be really random its 4:36 AM, I am turning nocturnal, (something thats sleeps in the day and is awake all night I think thats the meaning) heck I might as well be a vampire!,
This is Due to my work schedule actually, But this ^♤ will be very random I am actually just going to write whatever pops into my head tonight..,
Damn... lol I Am actually in the mood to write a naughty novel, but not sure if that is allowed here...
ANYWAY!! NAGANEGEXEN RANDOM SHORT STORIES!!!~~ sabatashi and Ritzey, the beggining of cream.
Yes I am serious thats the name of this story ...
"Sabatashi, once again you stink!, please wash your ugly feet! And while your at it, do your hair!, do you like you got hit by a donkey!" Said Ritzey, Ritzey and Sabatashi are 2 girls they are roomates they met at a chocolate factory.
"EVERY EFFING DAY! YOU BOTHER ME!!, I've had it Ritzey I am leaving after I wash up" Sabatashi screamed, a second later she stomped into the shower.
"Tsk! I can't stand this bull crap!, its been 2 years now that we've been living here in this wrecked up pile of junk house, I've been wanting to upgrade, but that freaking idiot! Keeps wasting her money, and qutting jobs working how she wants to and I have to cover both of our expenses when she F's up!! I am tired of this sh$@@#!, and most worst of all is her disgusting attitude!!" Sabatashi thought to herself.
Then she slammed a bar of soap on the shower floor in anger, a few seconds later she got emotional and started sniffling and it turned into loud crying..,
Ritzey heard her crying, "darn... Sabatashi.. I.. I am sorry, please don't go... forgive me." Said Ritzey sadly.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Sabatashi yelled.. after that Sabatashi quickly washed her body and then dried and super quickly swung the bathroom door open, accidently smacking Ritzey in the nose, she forgot Ritzey was standing in front of the door,.. heh I think we all did😅😅,
Ritzey shouted :"AHHHWFEHJ! Bi#/@^! What the f_$,$,@-@ did you do that for
!!?" "ohhh darn.." Sabatashi sighed
"OK you know what were even now, I yelled at you and you broke my nose!" Said Ritzey.
"Ohhh ok... so?" Said Sabatashi.
"So now you can't leave".. said Ritzey.
"Ohhh I know how this is going to end so I'll trick her stupid a!*@*@*!". Sabatashi thought to herself.
"Fine!, fine, FINE you win whatever, just let me get someone sleep I am mentally exhausted now!". Said Sabatashi.
"Ok then alrighty" said Ritzey then she put her thumb up, a few seconds later Ritzeys boss called her and told her to come in for work.
"Well looks like I gotta go bye!" Said Ritzey. Then she bursted into a purple bubble and teleported to work.
"heh... good... now to pack all of my stuff and leave this as×^#^#ho#;#*l" Sabatashi thought. then she fake slept and waited for the right moment and took all her stuff and moved out of the aparment,..
She left a note for Ritzey it read: "Dear Ritzey did you really think we were cool after all you've done, hahahaha!, you dumba@#^×&@!, it was nice knowing you!, then she wrote a picture of a hand with the middle finger up at the bottom of the picture.
By Kokanno B.
Crazy right?, well sorry it was so short actually I am starting to get sleepy.
Just something to chew on
Ridiculous story I've written.
Lets see...
Ok one was the fat fool king Jibalo bob, about an idiot king set in medieval times
Another my most popular I think is Jukariyo's Rage and Yibuyas Evilness
the big time gang leader seeks revenge on yibuya the grandmaster psycotic crazy theif (yeah... probably definitely spelled that wrong, for killing his fellow gang members and set his one million dollar house on fire
Kabs and ovajab the differences,.
This story is actually a bit like, the I just wrote tonight about Ritzey and Sabatashi, but has more to and is a lot longer lf course still a very short story...
Happy read, all of you super special awesome!!! Amazimg people!!.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
super dumb rhymes
2. Why won't you stay with me?, I just wish you could see.
3. Hey!! Take a chill pill!.
4. That's so wrong, you didn't like my song, that's a crime you should give me a dime!.
5. I suppose I should give you this rose..
6. Baby your so fine why don't we dine..?
7.. you idiot why you just go sudidiot!!..
Yes... That last one... NOT a real word....
We would like to thank all readers, you are super special awesome excellent beautiful people!! , Happy reading...
~~~A foolish being passes through time dwelling in aught of hidden heart of darkness only to be taken down by himself...
This poem above is stupid..,.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
All hope but is lost?
Medneo Mets Awakening of evil Part 20.
“Let’s see…, Relax.., now, think of everything that has happened to me, the cops made me angry, before I met Greigoh I was sad and had nothi...
In the vengeful hearts and souls, the main character wuttwuttwusswuzz (Rukaigu) is ultimately defeated by his older sister Sooqora, I...
Husband: "Welcome home love" Wife: "Hey honey" wife attempts to take off shoes. Husband: "No no, sweety I got...
Another piece taken from the story Medneo Mets awakening of evil “I need to become a lot more powerful, right now I probably couldn’t ev...